PaulSimmons' Notes

I’m baaack!

Posted in Uncategorized by Paul Simmons on July 8, 2011

Since I last posted in December ’09, all kinds of chaos has ensued….lucky me.  As time permits, I’ll be posting all kinds of stuff with my…unorthodox take on things.

Obtuse Progressives and the Stupac Amendment

Posted in Uncategorized by Paul Simmons on December 2, 2009

Talking Points Memo has a post, citing a George Washington University study claiming that the Stupak amendment would eventually  end all access to abortion:

In other words, though the immediate impact of the Stupak amendment will be limited to the millions of women initially insured through a new insurance exchange, over time, as the exchanges grow, the insurance industry will scale down their abortion coverage options until they offer none at all.

Not so.

 One presumes that other insurance companies – possibly even foreign ones – could see the profit potential in issuing riders for reproductive health.  Between progressive, libertarian, and liberal women, the market is there for such specific coverage at a minimal premium cost:  the procedure isn’t that expensive.

While the study attempts to refute this:

Furthermore the study finds that the supposed fallback option for impacted women–a “rider” policy that provides supplemental coverage for abortions only–may not even be allowed under the terms of the law. “In our view, the terms and impact of the Amendment will work to defeat the development of a supplemental coverage market for medically indicated abortions. In any supplemental coverage arrangement, it is essential that the supplemental coverage be administered in conjunction with basic coverage. This intertwined administration approach is barred under Stupak/Pitts because of the prohibition against financial comingling.”

This is easy to rebut in the real world.  Separate policies aren’t “comingling”.  Any halfway competent insurance lawyer can get aroud this and make a bundle for his (or her) client.

Progressives as a class aren’t terribly bright, but they’re profoundly stupid when they panic.

For all you climate change deniers out there:

Posted in Uncategorized by Paul Simmons on November 20, 2009

From NASA:

Nuff said?

Gun Show Sting Video

Posted in Uncategorized by Paul Simmons on October 15, 2009

Questions for consideration

Posted in Uncategorized by Paul Simmons on October 13, 2009

Why are both opponents and supporters of the War on Terror so militarily illiterate?

Has anyone considered the fact that Harvard University is a great case study for how academic administrative models defeat their purpose? And how intellectual tunnel vision causes more harm than conscious corruption?

Why is it that folks that use terms like “progressive”, “populist”, and “conservative” know so little about their histories and meanings.

Why are so many of these folk tenured professors…of English?